
Scary Good Laundry System

Spooky season has arrived in America! Haunted houses are opening for the season, apple orchards and pumpkin patches are busy with families fulfilling their yearly traditions, and flashes of television light dance in dark living rooms as gruesome horror movies fill viewers with trepidation. As weekends fly by with sports, parties, and activities, you may notice your weekly chores aren’t quite getting checked off the way they should. 

The Pioneer Woman

If your organization systems just aren’t working the way you had originally intended, it may be time to refresh them. Laundry tends to be one of the biggest causes of visual clutter, and it can be a particularly uphill battle when you add a busy family home to the mix.

The Problem

Does dirty laundry pile up? Maybe clean laundry doesn’t quite get put away? We have all been guilty of leaving a load of laundry in the dryer for longer than we should, but what is the reason for that? An overflowing closet or a dresser that is bursting at the seams? 


It may be time to ask yourself if you have space for all of your belongings. The average American home houses 300,000 items. According to Forbes, the U.S. apparel industry is a $12 billion powerhouse, with the average family spending $1,700 on clothes every single year. 

Hannah Lozano

OnePoll, a market research firm, found that women spend more than 100 hours on 30 clothes shopping trips and 40 hours on 15 shoe shopping trips every year! Zippia states that the average American employee only gets 10 days of Paid Time Off (PTO) each year, which is equivalent to about 80 hours. To put that in perspective, the average American woman spends almost twice as much time shopping than she does enjoying her hard-earned vacation time every single year! 

If the reason your clothing clutter is catching up to you is because you have too much of it, then the first step is to declutter. Ask yourself: 

  • Does it fit? 

  • Is it in good condition? 

  • Do I actually wear this? 

  • Is it comfortable? 

  • Do I have similar items that would be interchangeable? 

  • If I haven’t worn it, do I have plans to wear it soon? 


If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, it needs to go.

Consider donating items in good condition to local shelters, charities, churches, or organizations like the Salvation Army. For clothes that are not in good condition, look into a textile recycling service near you. American Textile Recycling Service is a great place to start! (Read more about how textile waste is creating an environmental crisis here and here.) 

The Spruce

You can always sell new or name brand items on sites such as Poshmark, Mercari, or Facebook Marketplace. Making some extra cash might just help you let go. 

The second step of decluttering is an often overlooked one: behavior change. Why do you shop so much? Boredom? Loneliness? Overcompensation for less financially secure times?

Whatever your reasons are, it might be worth exploring to put an end to the behavior that leaves you with so much stuff. No matter how great of an organization system you have, it is almost impossible to keep a tidy space when you have too many things. 

The Fix

Now that you are left with your most favorite clothes and (hopefully) a whole lot more storage space, let's come up with a laundry system that works. 

First, add hampers. To every occupied bedroom and bathroom in the house, as well as one in the mudroom and laundry room. You can never have enough places to drop your dirty clothes! Rev-A-Shelf has so many great options for built-in hampers. 

You can even install two in each area and save time by sorting your laundry as you fill the hampers with your dirty clothes. On laundry day, just slide the hampers out and carry them to the washer. 

These fabric hampers are perfect for kids' rooms! They have enough structure that they hang without collapsing or falling, but they are lightweight, can be easily removed, and even have hidden carrying handles.   

For extra dirty laundry, make sure the hamper itself is washable. This heavy-duty Aluminum frame hamper features Rev-A-Motion soft-open/soft-close and comes with a machine washable canvas liner. 

Come up with a routine and stick to it. Who wants to spend all weekend doing laundry? Start a load when you have a couple of minutes of free time, and transfer clothes to the dryer as soon as the cycle is finished.

Always strive to keep both the washer and dryer empty and ready for use, your future self will thank you! 

Wash. Dry. Fold. Put away, and watch the laundry clutter disappear… Spooky.

Consumed By Consumerism: How to Declutter (Part 1)

It is no secret that Americans are buying more than ever before. Fast, free, 2-day shipping, flash sales, and an insatiable desire to live like our favorite social media influencers are contributing factors for the latest startling statistics

Linked In

If your closets, junk drawers, bathroom cabinets, and garages are overflowing, then it is time to do some serious decluttering. 

Note: It is important to remember that your space did not get cluttered in 1 day, so decluttering will be a weeks to months long process.

Here are some tips for each area of the home: 


Next Level Wardrobe

Take everything out! This will allow you to see how much you truly own, and force you to make a decision about each individual item. 

While your closet is empty, it is a good time to reevaluate your organization. Are the things you reach for the most easily accessible? Would it make more sense to store any items elsewhere in your home? Take a few minutes to wipe down surfaces and vacuum before the real organization begins. 

Group all clothing into categories, then tackle one at a time. Designate four separate areas, one for keep, one for donate, one for items to sell (Poshmark is great for gently used, secondhand items!), and one for trash. Then, take a good look at each item and ask yourself: 

  • Does it fit? How comfortable is it?

    • These are two very important considerations. Maybe you have been holding on to those skinny jeans for years in hopes they fit again. Or you have a pair of shoes you love but give you blisters every time you reach for them. If they don’t serve you right now, they need to go. 

  • How often do I reach for this?

    • Maybe it is time to part with the Hulk Hogan costume you wore for Halloween 7 years ago. Maybe… 

  • What condition is it in?

    • We are all guilty of hanging on to that one piece of clothing for a little (or a lot) longer than we should have. Be honest with yourself, and if it needs to be replaced, then replace it. 

  • Why am I keeping this?

    • Sometimes the answer can be something silly, or sentimental. Try not to hold on to these items solely for memories if space is limited for you. 


Take your time with this process. It can feel overwhelming and time-consuming, so take quick breaks when you begin to struggle. After you have worked through all of the categories, every item should have a destined fate. 

If you find yourself tossing items in the “keep” pile that you are unsure of, fill a basket with these “maybe” items and designate a time frame to donate the items you don’t reach for within it. 

Junk Drawer

We all have them! Their contents may vary, but they hold a wide assortment of the things you reach for often and need quick access to. However, if you don’t take a few minutes to declutter from time to time, they can easily get out of hand.

Raymond Forbes Photography

Just like with the closet process, take everything out of your beloved junk drawer and admire it in its miscellaneous glory. Wipe down the drawer itself and install drawer dividers (Or the Maxx Drawer, if you want to double your storage space and keep things tidy). 


Group the items into categories, and decide what needs to stay, what can be stored elsewhere, and what needs to be thrown out. 

For items like batteries or writing utensils, make sure everything works before returning to the drawer. 

Pretty Handy Girl


West Elm

Once again, empty all of the drawers and cabinets, then clear the countertops. Wipe down all surfaces, then evaluate your storage space. You may just need a few drawer dividers and bins to keep things tidy, or it might be time to invest in some more heavy duty organization.


Either way, group all of the like items together and take a good look at what you have. Do you need 7 bottles of almost empty travel size shampoo? What about the tylenol that expired in 2004? Dispose of old/expired toiletries and medications, and donate unopened products you just don’t reach for. This is also a great time to restock your first aid supplies and keep them somewhere handy. 


A 2012 UCLA study found that 3 out of every 4 households with a garage do not park their car in the garage, because it is full of other belongings. If your garage is full of cluttered chaos, clearly you are not alone. 

The Solid Signal Blog

It is important to remove everything from the garage, and deep clean the whole area before you begin the decluttering process. Sweep debris, mop the floors, and wipe down surfaces while the garage is empty. If your garage is full of broken or mismatched storage systems, it may be beneficial to invest in a new set of shelves or cabinets to maximize storage space and give the area a cleaner look. 

Garage Solutions Seattle

First, categorize all items into groups, and evaluate the condition and utility of each item. Discard broken, dirty, or out of date items and create a donation pile for everything that may be useful for someone else. If you have a hard time parting with things, consider planning a garage sale to incentivize the decluttering process. 

The Norwalk Patriot

What area will you declutter first?

Renter-Friendly Design Tips

With the percentage of Americans choosing to own their homes are steadily declining for multiple reasons, there are more renters than any time since 1965. A skyrocketing housing market, greater student loan debt, upfront affordability, and the maintenance costs are all reasons contributing to the increase in households that are choosing to rent. 

There were 44.1 million households renting in 2021, many without a way to purchase a home in the current market. Therefore, making the most of a rental space is crucial. Unfortunately, the majority of landlords have limits to what improvements a renter can make during their lease. To make matters worse, rent is increasing all over the United States. It is even more important to transform your plain rental apartment or house into a place you love to be, if you are spending more money than ever to be there. 

In this article, we will discuss renter-friendly ways you can improve your space to make it feel like home. Everyone has their own unique style and preferences when it comes to decorating, but these general, damage-free tips can improve any home.

Note: There is no reason to fear “wasting money” on making an apartment or rental home into a space that you love to be in, most of these tips are affordable and the products can be taken with you when you move out, making them an excellent investment. 


There is nothing more overwhelming than an empty apartment full of plain white walls. Sometimes, you can paint, but that still leaves the walls plain and boring. Add some visual excitement with these tips!

Image Credit: Your Modern Cottage

Create a gallery wall to fill up empty wall space. You can find inexpensive frames from Ikea, fill them with either your own photography or digital prints from online (Etsy has options for just about every style), and secure them with Command® picture hanging strips to prevent damage to the walls. 

Image Credit: Caitlin De Lay

Removable wallpaper is a fun way to add dimension and color to a boring space. You can find some really fun prints on Amazon that are so easy to apply and remove in seconds. 

Image Credit: MyDomaine

Add molding to give your space a homey, traditional appearance. Purchase some quarter round from your local hardware store, measure and cut to fit your space, and attach with removable velcro strips or another heavy-duty damage-free adhesive.  There are so many options, from classic picture frame style to bold, modern geometric patterns.


Unless you move into a brand new build, or you have an awesome landlord that replaces the flooring between each tenant, chances are the floors in your rental have seen better days. 

Eagle Rock Properties

Area rugs are essential for protecting your hard floors (and security deposit!), insulating your living space during the winter, absorbing noise, and they will even soften the impact of your footsteps if you have neighbors below you. Large rugs can get expensive, so check discount stores and websites, like and for deals. Area rugs can make a big impact on a space, by adding a more “finished” look and really tying all the components of your design together.

Image Credit: Style by Emily Henderson

Peel and stick tiles have taken TikTok by storm! User TieraLovellee demonstrates how she transformed her bathroom floor using removable marble tiles and the results are incredible. ​​


Lighting can make a big difference in any space, but it is a very important consideration for apartments where limited natural light and outdated fixtures are common. 

Image Credit: Country Living Magazine

Wall sconces add a cozy feel to any space. Either a plug-in variety or a remote-controlled battery option are the best (existing sconce + these remote-controlled LED puck lights + adhesive = a renter friendly inexpensive wall sconce)

Image Credit: YLighting

These rechargeable, remote-controlled under cabinet lights from Amazon are another product featured in many content creators’ Amazon Storefronts. They rave about how easy they are to use, and how the lighting can transform their space. See how @eastcoastdiy on TikTok transformed her kitchen with these simple adhesive lights!

Tresco® Lighting has many standard and customizable options for under cabinet, above cabinet, toe-kick, and many other applications. To make it renter-friendly, use a heavy-duty removable adhesive in place of the included hardware. 

If you have old blinds that have seen better days, consider switching them out for more modern varieties, like roman shades or cellular blinds (you might even save some money on your electric bill with cellular shades!). 

Credit: Apartment Therapy

Finally, extend your living space by turning your balcony or patio into a relaxing summer evening hangout spot with some outdoor LED lighting.



The kitchen is the heart of the home, so it is important to ensure it's a place you love spending time. There are a lot of rental kitchens that have seen better days (like the 1980’s… yikes), so use these tips to bring them into the 21st century for the duration of your lease. 

Image Credit: Black & Blooms

Use contact paper to hide atrocious countertops (tutorial here)! Pick a modern design, apply, and enjoy for the duration of your lease. It is easy to remove and as a bonus, it offers an additional layer of protection for your countertops (hello, security deposit!). 

Image Credit: Cabana State of Mind

Install drawer inserts to make the most of the limited storage space. Keep your utensils tidy with this one or have an insta-worthy spice drawer with this insert! Both inserts are from Rev-A-Shelf®

Don’t underestimate the power of cabinet hardware! Just make sure to buy the same size (it needs to fit in the existing holes!) and keep the original hardware tucked away for move-out day. Just look at the difference one quick switch can make!

Image Credit: Forbes


How can you apply these tips to turn your basic rental into a fun space that reflects your unique style? Think like a professional and follow the basic principles of interior design:  

Image Credit: Philadelphia Style Magazine

  • Balance: distributing the “visual weight” of a space to create a feeling of equilibrium. This is achieved through symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial balance. 

  • Rhythm: creating visual interest through patterns and repetitions in the design

  • Harmony: the unified feeling created from all elements of a good design acting together

  • Emphasis: directing attention to one focal point, to avoid a scattered or boring feeling

  • Proportion and Scale: “Proportion is the ratio between the size of one part to another, and scale is how the size of one object relates to another or to the space in which it is placed” (Credit: The Spruce)

The biggest takeaway from these guidelines is to ensure you carefully plan each area of your rental space and how you want to decorate it, to avoid an unbalanced or cluttered appearance. 

Image Credit: frankieandjonnie via Reddit

What are your favorite renter-friendly design tips? We would love to know! 

Designing Kitchens for a Healthy Lifestyle

As we approach the second anniversary of Covid-19 entering our lives, it feels appropriate to reflect on how we can become the best, healthiest version of ourselves. Since the start of the pandemic, the focus on our wellness has been more prevalent than ever. Most of the general healthy living advice is simple: eat mostly whole & nutritious foods, exercise regularly, sleep well, and manage stress.


In recent years, Americans have stopped cooking at home and it is costing us. Obesity has been labeled an epidemic in the United States since the 1990’s. It is a multifaceted issue with many contributing factors, but the most important ones include lack of activity, a shift in dietary patterns (including larger portion sizes and unprecedented food marketing), and overall busier family lives than ever before. This combination of factors has made healthy, homemade meals feel out of reach for most families. To make matters worse, only 10% of American enjoy cooking!


Sometimes, the most daunting part of cooking a meal includes the preparation and cleanup. Luckily, there are many products available to simplify the process. The goal is to make your kitchen work for you, instead of fighting it! Here are a few examples of how you can accomplish just that:


●      Ensure your countertops stay free of clutter to allow you to start preparing food right away.

●      Keep spices close by! You can keep them organized in a drawer, a cabinet, or inside of a door to easily add flavor to every meal. Balanced, healthy meals do not have to be boring or bland!

●      Designate about an hour of your time for preparing produce once a week. This allows your family to have washed, sliced, and ready-to-eat snacks.

●      Put knives, utensils, and cutting boards in the same spot with this handy organizer.

●      Take another step out of the preparation process with this cutting board drawer. There is a stopper that can be removed to allow you to dispose of the produce scraps directly into the trash bin below.

●      Keep pots and pans organized so you can always access exactly what you need without needing to rearrange your entire cabinet.

●      Finally, restore some order to your kitchen by organizing your food storage containers! Having accessible bases and lids means no more rummaging around for a place to keep your leftovers.


These products will all help simplify the food preparation process, from start to finish. Some other helpful tips: maximize storage space and visibility with clear plastic containers in your refrigerator and pantry, plan out your weekly meals to simplify grocery shopping, and (most importantly) be realistic. If you eat out for most meals right now, then gradually scale that number back each week. Remember, perfect inconsistency is better than inconsistent perfection when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle. The foundation of these good habits begins in the kitchen.


What are your favorite tips for healthy eating? Do you have any must-have products for preparing meals at home?

Designing with Living In Place in Mind

We recently hosted a KB Tribe Chat discussing the topic of Designing with Living in Place in Mind. We are huge proponents of the Living In Place Institute's mission: providing professional education to make all homes safe, healthy and comfortable for everyone. In fact, a few of our offerings have become Certified Living In Place Products!

This Twitter discussion was so rich with important information, we wanted to share what we and other industry professionals had to say.

01. How would you define Living In Place? Do you know that it differs from other principles like Universal Design and Aging In Place?

So often do people lump all of these principles together, but Living in Place differs in that it takes away the focus on aging by striving to enable people of all ages and abilities to live their best lives in their home.

Photo Courtesy of @KBIS, design by Kendall Ansell Interiors

Photo Courtesy of @KBIS, design by Kendall Ansell Interiors

Pic: Kohler/Tiller Press

Pic: Kohler/Tiller Press

"A place where you can be yourself, ensuring the homeowner has a safe, comfortable, and stylish space that fits their needs and lifestyle at any age."


“Living in place is not yet a well-known term for creating inclusive living spaces, but it ties in w/my Five Facets of Wellness Design, which include #Accessibility, safety & functionality for all. Handheld shower heads are an example.” - @JGWellnessDesgn, CKD; CAPS; MCCWC


02. Do any of you work with Occupational Therapists when designing a Living In Place space?

There will be a round table discussion during #KBIS2021 hosted by Living In Place on this topic! K&B Ergonomics From An Occupational Therapist and Designer Perspective - Mary Fisher & Monika Lukasiewicz | Register here:

"Having a husband with a 3 level spinal fusion among other issues, we've received good tips from his Drs and PTs." - @SusanSerraCKD


03. SAFE | Do you have any go-to products for clients who want to ease strain, limit reach and reduce dangerous clutter?

We offer a number of Certified Living In Place Products including our 5PD/5UPD, 582 ‘TheCurve’ BC Optimizer and Pullout Waste Containers that keep hazardous cans out of walkways and in the cabinet.

"Pull-downs, pull-outs, u-drawers & corner swing-outs are vital in cabinetry, plus handheld shower heads near seats. Floating vanities & wall-mount toilets are also really helpful. Reducing clutter means clear walk aisles/lower fall risk." - @JGWellnessDesgn, CKD; CAPS; MCCWC

"Pull-out cabinets are wonderful for ergonomic design in the kitchen. They reduce strain, reach, and clutter to a marvelous degree." - @2020spaces

"We remodeled our kitchen and kept a space for a wheelchair to left of drawers for plates within reach with @REVASHELF peg board system." - @pillow_goddess


04. HEALTHY | Ample lighting has a huge impact on not only safety, but also health. Do you take into consideration the effects of certain lighting on health when creating your design?

Ample lighting is important to ease eye strain when performing tasks, safely guiding homeowners in the dark and majorly affects our Circadian Rhythm.


"As we age, it's harder to see so you can never have too much lighting! Under-cabinet lights are a must on a dark countertop" - @Stacy_Garcia

"Ample lighting in this office space prevents eye strain when working or crafting." - @WellbornCabinets

"#Lighting in the bathroom is important, especially when it refers to personal #health. The combination of natural light during the day & colored lighting, or chromatherapy in the evening can have a significant impact on our #mood & #wellness." - @AstonBath


05. COMFORT | How can you add comfort for all to a design without sacrificing aesthetic? (i.e. handrails, no threshold doors, door knobs)

There are plenty of stylish options that are also Living In Place friendly! Beautiful no threshold showers and multi-use grab bars are becoming a norm.


Have you considered how hardware choices can affect those with arthritis? The good news is you don’t have to sacrifice chic designs for comfort, just simply think a little deeper when weighing your options.

Lever handles for passage doors work better than knobs for arthritic hands and weak grips." - @Stacy_Garcia

Here is what to avoid:

  • Narrow Pulls (less than 3”) // Thick hands either won’t fit or can get stuck

  • Thin Pull Handles // Sore hands need thicker pulls to grab onto comfortably

  • Harsh Angles // Pulls with 90-degree angles can pinch sore hands

  • Cup Pulls // Cup pulls typically don’t have an adequate surface area to grab onto safely

  • T-Pulls // pulls with a bar that sticks out farther than the end screw mounts can snag clothes or be painful to pump into

  • T-Knobs // Knobs shaped like a “T” put too much stress on arthritic fingers

  • Small Knobs // Grasping a small knob is painful for large, sore hands

Don’t Believe a Spa Can Fit in a Tiny Apartment_ Think Again.jpeg

"Incorporate these additions to match the style of the home. Sometimes people need assistance, but that doesn’t mean it has to clash with the design. Handrails can have character, too." - @2020spaces

"No threshold showers don't just offer a safer use of the space... we think they look cleaner and much cooler!" - @VilgHomeStores


06. Where do you get your inspiration for Living In Place Designs?



"The best place, aside from contemporary and historic design, is the clients themselves. Living in Place is part of a modern movement in design focusing on individual needs and wellness." - @2020spaces

"We get a lot of inspiration right here, on this chat. There's always great ideas for new products and ways of looking at design and function." - @WindowWorksUSA

"Working with different professionals give you great ideas on what is needed in the real world. I love to learn!" - @NancyYoungDsign, CKBD; CLIPP

The Ultimate Grilling Space

Don’t have the tools to be this Summer’s grill master? Check out how you can win a complete grilling tool set at the end of this post!

Giveaway closed as of July 1, 2019

We’ve already covered getting your outdoor space ready for entertaining, now let’s get into prepping a Summer time essential: the grilling station.

Keep it Fresh

Coming from a big farming state, we are big proponents for growing your own produce, but that’s not always an option for some people. If anything, we suggest creating your own little herb garden. Fresh herbs really do take your dishes to the next level.

An herb garden really can be as simple as grouping together a few of your favorites like rosemary, mint and basil in a large pot near the grill. Not to mention these herbs are also great for crafting Summer cocktails! Take a little trip to your local home and garden store and fresh flavor will be ripe for the picking all Summer long.


Clean it Up

It’s time to tackle cleaning up the grill! Here is what you’ll need:

  1. Clean rags/paper towels

  2. Rubber gloves

  3. Sponge/Brillo pad

  4. Grill Brush

  5. Glass Cleaner

  6. Dish Soap

  7. Warm water

First, you will want to run the grill for 10-15 minutes to loosen up any leftover gunk. After the time is up, let it begin to cool down and start scraping the top and bottom of the castings inside the grill with he flat side of your grill brush.

Grab your Brillo pad or sponge, dish soap and warm water and get to work on the grids! TIP: pre-soaking the grids in a bath of warm water and soap for an hour beforehand make the process MUCH easier!

Next, take your sponge and more warm, soapy water and begin cleaning the exterior of the grill to remove any residue from last year’s grilling.

Use your rags or paper towels and the window cleaner to remove grease streaks from both stainless steel and other exterior surfaces.

If your grill has a cabinet, be sure to clean out any leaves or cobwebs that may have accumulated over the colder months.

Remember to check the gas levels and refill the propane tank or stock up on charcoal!

Keep it Together

Now that everything has been cleaned, ensure all of your tools and ingredients have a proper place to be stored. Having your utensils and spices at the ready makes prep work so much easier. Plus, with not having to run in and out of the house, you’ll be able too keep your focus on safely manning the grill and monitoring your food.

Check out some of these items below:

Tools of the Trade

What good is all this information if you don’t have the right tools? Win a 21 piece stainless steel BBQ tool set on us! Just follow the simple rules below to enter:

  1. Head on over to our Facebook and/or Instagram and give us a follow!

  2. Find this post, like and tag a friend you’d love to have a Summer cookout with.

  3. That’s it! It’s just that simple.

This giveaway will be open to both Facebook and Instagram users, US and Canada residents only. Tag multiple friends for multiple entries. Giveaway closes on July 1.

KBIS 2019 Recap

The Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) is North America’s largest trade show dedicated to all aspects of kitchen and bath design. This annual show is truly where the heart of the industry is able to meet, collaborate and show everyone what they’re made of. Everyone here at Rev-A-Shelf and Tresco Lighting had an amazing show and are thankful for everyone who came by to experience our product line.

Couldn’t make it to the show? Well, you’re in luck! Here’s a recap of every exciting moment we were able to experience.


Show attendees explore our Transparent kitchen

Show attendees explore our Transparent kitchen

Our 2019 booth consisted of 12 unique displays to highlight the versatility and accessibility of our vast array of products, designed to seamlessly organize any room in the home.

Mixed throughout our displays were 15+ brand new and newly re-designed products. You can check out all of them at the bottom of this post!

Our two new show displays include our Grabill Cabinets kitchen and our luxurious Sollid Cabinetry master closet/coffee bar. Both of these displays are topped with beautiful Cambria countertops. What makes these newcomers so stunning are the two illuminated backsplashes using Tresco Lighting’s ETCH panel.


Above is our Grabill Cabinets kitchen display with illuminated Decotone backsplash.


Above is our Sollid Cabinetry master closet display with illuminated 3form backsplash.


Also on display was this Cosma prototype light rail.

Want to see the entire booth? Check out our show recap video above!

Homes For Our Troops

On Tuesday, February 19th we held a special booth signing announcing a three-year national sponsorship deal to partner with the nonprofit organization Homes for Our Troops (HFOT).

Homes for Our Troops builds specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for severely injured veterans of post 9/11 to enable them to rebuild their lives. This agreement continues the partnership between our two organizations where we will work with HFOT’s veterans and general contractors to furnish all homes with cabinet storage and organization accessories, providing optimal accessibility for veteran home recipients.


Living In Place

Throughout the show, our very own Shari McPeek, Advertising and PR Manager, and Mary Holz , OEM Channel Manager, gave tours of our Certified Living in Place Products including our 5PD Pulldown and blind corner units. The Living in Place Institute blends the best principles of aging in place, accessibility and universal design to make all homes accessible, comfortable and safer for everyone.


Continuing our partnership with Living in Place, Our very own Michael Marcumwas able to sit on this year's Live Panel Presentations to speak about "Kitchen & Bathroom Trends for Living In Place" and "Ergonomics in ALL Kitchens for Living In Place.” Tresco’s Chris Tressalso sat on the live panel to discuss "Lighting & Color for Living In Place."



Every Wednesday at 2pm, we participate in a live Twitter chat called #KBtribechat where kitchen and bath industry professionals discuss trends and share knowledge. The KBIS chat is extra special because we all get to meet, participate together and walk through the show. Since we are a sponsor of the chat, Amber Fowler, Content Marketing Associate, was able to give a booth tour of our new products and answer questions from the 30+ participants.


Tresco Lighting’s Top Project

Another exciting event is Tresco’s announcement of the first ever Top Project winner. Professional photography, a social media spotlight, a $500 Visa Gift Card and bragging rights were awarded to John Zembrodt of Stanton Millwork for his work on The Cincinnatian Hotel.


New American Home

Last, but certainly not least, we were proud to inform all of our visitors of our numerous products featured in the off-site New American Home. The New American Home 2019 was presented by The National Association of Home Builders and the Leading Supplier Council members to showcase the technological advancements the housing industry has to offer. We are honored to have had some of our products showcased alongside names like Caesarstone, LG and Kohler. 


Explore all of our new and existing products over at

Getting Your Kitchen Ready For The Holiday Season

The holiday season is meant to be spent relaxing and enjoying quality time with family and friends. Unfortunately, for many of us this time of year means our schedules are kicked into high-gear, leaving what is most important during the holiday season to the wayside.

While cooking, shopping and travel may still fill your schedule, we’ve compiled a few kitchen tips to help you stay on top of the holiday game, reduce stress and hopefully free up a little time to spend it with those you love.

5373-19-MP Tall Pull-Out Pantry

Stock Up, Plan It Out

If there was ever a time to be a leader and strategize a game plan, it’s now. Holiday cooking is stressful enough, so take out the guess work and plan ahead of time with friends or family members if they are bringing a dish. As much as we all love mac and cheese, having three show up unexpectedly isn’t ideal.

Many grocery stores have caught on that sometimes schedules are too packed to even shop for groceries. Stores like Kroger, Meijer and Target now offer grocery pick-up or delivery to help free up your time.

After all of the planning and pick-ups, store your ingredients and holiday goodies in our 5343 Series Solid Bottom Tall Pullout Pantry with Soft-Close.

4SDI-24 Cut-To-Size Insert Wood Spice Organizer

Spice It Up

Now that you have everything stocked up, it’s time to ensure you have every spice you need ready to go and at reach. Staying on top of cooking a holiday dish, especially multiple, is crucial to ensuring things run smoothly and on schedule.

Keep herbs and spices conveniently stored away in a drawer with our 4SDI Series trim-to-fit Spice Organizer Insert.

5372-15 Pullout The Cloud Two-Tier Blind Corner Contemporary Accessories

Clear The Way

When hosting a holiday get together, you need all the counter space you can get for prepping and serving, so it is essential to hide away countertop appliances. Making use of hard to organize spaces like blind corners opens up so much storage space in a crowded kitchen.

Blind corner organizers like our 5370 Series Contemporary Organizer, a.k.a. The Cloud, allows you to fulfill your storage needs above and beyond what you thought that forgotten corner could ever do.

4WDKB-1 Wooden Knife Block Complete Drawer System Storage Unit

Check Your Tools

So, maybe you found a new, risky recipe from Pinterest that’s sure to be a showstopper at your holiday event. Unfortunately it’s going to require a few new kitchen doodads and thingamabobs. Make sure you clear out cluttered drawers to make room for your essentials and new gadgets.

Our 4WDKB Series Cut-To-Size Insert Wood Double Knife Block for Drawers is a great complete drawer system to safely store away knives and other kitchen tools.

53TM-24GSCDM4-FL Quad Top Mount Steel Waste Containers Pullout

Toss It Out

Without a doubt the holiday season usually comes with a big mess, which means you’re going to need big time help with clean up.

Proactive cleaning is without a doubt the easiest way to go. Cleaning as the preparation and party goes is a huge relief at the end of the night.

Some feel cleaning as you go distracts from the time you could be enjoying your event and the company of family and friends. In this case, enlist some volunteers to help out after dinner. This time can be spent chatting and sipping coffee while getting the job done.

Prep for the mess and madness with our 53TM Series Quad Top Mount Waste Containers. This unit includes two 35qt. waste containers, one 8qt. container for compost and one 8qt. container for recycling.

Trending: Patterned Cement Tiles

Patterned cement tiles have proven to be a trend that will stand the test of time. But really, these artfully polished displays are created with natural materials like sand, clay, and natural pigments to produce tiles that are both extremely durable and eco-friendly. 

While the surge of bold patterns and colorful backsplashes has filled your Instagram feed in recent months, cement tiles have long since been a part of home decor. Historians even date some versions of encaustic tiles back to the 12th century! 

It's apparent that this trend is here to stay, and all we can say is we are here for it!

I mean come ON! This bathroom is a perfect example of how these tiles can add both a contemporary and vintage flair when mixed with modern details.


Looking for something a little more subtle? Smaller patterns with two colors may be more of your style like this bathroom design by Kate Marker Interiors featuring Cement Tile Shop.

Let's just take a moment and swoon over these beautiful designs.

While gorgeous, some of these beauties can come with a pretty hefty price tag. While these tiles can be seen as quite an investment, but that doesn't mean you have to have to go without. With the wave of this trend came an even bigger wave of DIY-ers and their tips on how to hack this trend using stencils like these.


Summer 2018 Color Trends

Summer has always been about casting out the dark and dreary with bright and fun colors. The Summer 2018 color trends sure do not disappoint us there, but there may be a few curveballs you wouldn't expect.



This is a truly joyous and radiant color that exudes warmth, inspiration and vitality. Research shows that colors of the yellow family increase mental activity, awareness and energy.

Incorporating yellow into your home promotes a sense of optimism, prompting feelings of happiness in all who enter.

Color suggestion // SW6674 Jonquil




Greens represent growth and renewal. Adding different shades of green can add drama, contrast, richness and balance all at once, Shades such as sage have a soothing quality. Mixing it with whites and grays can create a contemporary look, while incorporating natural elements gives an organic feel.

Color suggestion // SW6178 Clary Sage



Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness. Navy is a fun way of adding drama and sophistication to any space whether it's on a wall or a piece of furniture.

Color suggestion // SW9178 In The Navy (pictured)



Pink is moving away from a little girl's room and into more spaces within the home. A soft and restrained pink, like blush, or a beige with pink undertones creates a soothing feeling.

Color suggestion // SW7110 Cosmetic Blush



Here't that curveball we warned you about! Incorporating black into your space may sound like a daunting task, but it has great benefits. Black exudes strength and sophistication while creating amazing contrast when paired with bright colors and natural elements.

Color suggestion // SW6178 Tricorn Black


While grays are still on trend, there tends to be a lot of frustration surrounding finding that perfect true gray shade. Skip the headache and opt for a warm white. The color is fresh, clean and airy without being too stark.

Color suggestion // SW9165 Gossamer Veil (pictured)

Brass is Back and Better Than Ever

Gold is good, but brass is better.

This luxurious-looking hardware is back on the design scene in a big way. It's bold, bright, beautiful...all the alliterations! Far gone are the days of the shiny and yellow, and here to stay are beautiful pieces fit to brighten any design style.

Kitchen Design by Matthew Quinn of Design Galleria

Kitchen Design by Matthew Quinn of Design Galleria




Kitchen by Martha Stewart // Hardware by Martha Stewart Living // Photo by Eric Piasecki

Brass Elements - The AG Market Waco.jpg



Steel Shelving Brackets by The Ag Market Waco

Modern Farmhouse.jpg


Kitchen by Cutting Edge Homes // Hardware by Edgecliff

Check out these beautiful designs by the

Matthew Quinn Collection

Indoor Composting 101

Ah, compost. It may not be the most glamorous thing in the world, but definitely is the finest amendment, conditioner and fertilizer you can possibly get your hands on. While many believe composting is a laborious task and requires a backyard to do so, we are here to tell you it can be much easier than you think! 

The biggest advantage of indoor composting is it allows you to do the process year-round, whereas outdoor composting requires a good amount of sunlight and waste degrades more slowly in the winter months. Indoor composting is also ideal for small-space dwellers as you can store the bins in a basement, in a closet or under the kitchen sink. 

The benefits of composting include:

  • Enriching soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant disease and pests.

  • Reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.

  • Encouraging the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material.

  • Reducing methane emissions from landfills and lowering your carbon footprint.

First things first, you are going to need a composting bin. Might we suggest the CompoPlus? It is an innovative bin that eliminates all that stinks about indoor composting. If you're just looking to test the waters with indoor composting, you can always make one yourself.

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

Once you have your bin, fill it with about 4" of dirt. Next, add a layer of dry stuff, including newspaper or leaves. Now you can begin to add your food scraps. This includes fruit/veggie scraps, coffee grounds, tea bags, shredded paper, eggshells and trimmings from household plants. You should NOT put in meat, dairy or fats.

Additional Tips:

  1. Add a handful or two of newspaper or leaves every time you add food scraps or coffee grounds. This will keep it from getting too soggy, as well as provide carbon for your bin.

  2. Turn the contents of your bin often. This helps the bin warm up a bit and increase microbial action.

  3. The smaller the pieces you add to the bin, the faster they will decompose. Remember to chop food fairly small for quickest results, and shred your paper or tear it into thin strips.